Saturday, June 27, 2009

Do you like me? Do you really, really like me?

Hi, friend! If you know me well, you know that I'm the manager at Myopic Books here in Chicago. If you have visited the store recently and had a good shopping experience, I'd like to ask a favor of you.

Do you have a Yelp account? If so, and you like the store, write a nice review of us, pretty please? There is a kreepy kustomer griping on our Yelp page because we kicked him out of the bookstore a few weeks ago. Why? He was using a bar code scanner on our merch, and we don't allow that for a bevy of reasons. It's sleazy, distracting to other customers, and sleazy....just general bottom-feeding. So, after refusing him his purchase, we gave him the heave-ho. Now he's made it his personal mission to make us seem like a crappy group of people. We aren't, right? This guy is bogus! He even mentions stealing from another local business that he doesn't like. We don't want people like that shopping in here, and we're usually pretty nice to people who don't try to dick us over.

So, will you help us counteract this dude's campaign of hate? Leave us a nice review on our Yelp page here, if you feel so inclined. If you hate us, that's cool too. Just don't leave a review. Kidding!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Hateful spawn "We are the chasm depths"

Hi. Are you on Twitter? I'm all over that shit like TruckNutz.

Won't you follow me?

Twitter: Jrhardcore68

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Storming jackboots!

Do you have a copy of the Grinning Death's Head demo tape that I could burn? Pretty please? Hit a dude up!

Well Come On, Let the Provin' Begin

I have seen my future. I give you city rock:

Can you think of more examples? Let's get on this, people!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I made it to the rabbit zine

I actually have some new writing for you!
Go now!

Some major life changes might be afoot, people. Like maybe I can afford to go here every now and then?

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

"Lost Wisdom"

If you like good writing, what are you doing here? Go to this blog instead. Sam McPheeters is really good.