It is public knowledge that I am indeed the world's worst gift buyer/giver. I had the brilliant idea that we could get Max his first book and Hopper was all like "I've bought him 8 books already" so now I'm going to buy ahead for Max's future. Fuck that Dick And Jane bullshit. I was thinking the Library of America's excellent "The Debate on the Constitution: Volume One: September 1787 to February 1788"...
Part One: September 1787 to February 1788. The Debate on the Constitution charts the course of the bloodless revolution that created the government of the United States and the world's oldest working national charter. The extraordinary energy and eloquence of the ratification struggle is captured here firsthand in a unique collection of speeches, newspaper articles, pamphlets and letters. Part One presents press polemics and private commentaries from September 1787 to January 1788. Highlights include the state ratifying convention in Pennsylvania, where James Wilson confronted the deep democratic skepticism of the frontier delegates, and in Massachusetts, where John Hancock and Samuel Adams forged a crucial compromise that saved the country from political convulsion. A detailed chronology of events, biographical profiles, and notes provide fascinating background. An appendix prints the complete text of the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Constitution with all amendments. "The best resource for understanding the morning headlines I've seen in a long time."—Bill Moyers
That sounds very useful to me. And "Volume Two: January to August 1788" is the perfect Xmas stocking jam to complete Max's set! Then, also, when I'm babysitting I'll have something to peruse. Regardless, Max needs to meet my homeboss Patrick Henry, ASAP. We could all learn from a bloodless revolution or two.
I've come to grips with the fact that I'll never have children of my own, so I need to get my friend's and family's progeny the under the radar presents they need. Kids need knowledge that the public school system can't provide. Parents overlook this type of essential stuff because they have to wipe noses and make dinner: constitutional history, the Void/Faith split LP, Raymond Chandler paperbacks, M*A*S*H DVDs, etc. When he's 23, Max will be stoked. He'll also think I'm deeply weird if he remembers me at all. I'm cool with that.
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